Life is a maze and love is a riddle什么意思?

2023-04-28 03:46

人生如同迷宫 爱情 就像谜语
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
4个回答2022-09-23 04:38
Life is a maze and love is a riddle什么意思
1个回答2022-12-29 04:47
Life is a maze and love is a riddle 生命是一个迷宫爱是个谜 例句: 1. Life is a maze, and love is a riddle 生活是一座迷...
life is maze,and love is roddle!的中文意思
5个回答2022-12-25 02:09
life is maze,and love is riddle生活是迷宫,并且爱情是个谜!
Life is a struggle?
1个回答2022-12-15 16:36
Life is a struggle,首先life 是生活,struggle是想解脱困扰的意思 life is a struggle 用中文可以翻译成:你的生活是不是很烦恼?其实美国人喜欢用这些短语来...
Life is a Journey是什么意思
2个回答2022-09-22 13:15
Life is a journey 中文释义:生如逆旅;人生如旅;人生是一次旅行;人生如旅程;生命是一段旅程 英文发音:[laɪf ɪz ə ˈdʒɜːni] 例句: Life is a ...
love is a fallacy?
1个回答2023-01-31 07:21
标题:爱情是 谬论 吗 然后,他转过身去,并决绝地低下了下巴。然后他转过来看了看外套,脸上显露出更可爱的神情
love is a fallacy翻译
1个回答2023-02-07 18:35
为什么life is a struggle听不了?
2个回答2023-11-18 01:21
The earth is a planet and the sun is a ........
1个回答2024-05-14 08:06
And the sun is a fixed star.
"a rose is a rose is a rose'' 是什么意思啊
4个回答2022-08-07 07:40
省略that啊 A rose is a rose that is a rose. 直译就是:玫瑰就是一支是玫瑰的玫瑰。 换成通顺一点的意译,就是 玫瑰到底还是支玫瑰。