有没有英语小故事?要简单的适合中学生的 很急

2023-02-17 02:15

are down, and your spirit is cover
The Gold and Silver Axe

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who wanted to get some firewood from the forest. On his way to the forest, there was a river. The farmer got thirsty so he sat near the river and tried get some water. But suddenly he dropped his axe down into the river.
“How can I cut the wood down without an axe?” the farmer thought, so he cried and cried. The God of the river heard the farmer crying, so he came out with a silver axe.
“Does this silver axe belong to you, farmer?” the God of the river asked.
“No, that’s not mine.” the farmer answered.
Then the God of the river took out a gold axe.
“Does this gold axe belong to you, farmer?” the God of the river asked.
“No, that’s not mine.” The farmer answered.
“He’s telling the truth,” the God of the river thought. “Dear farmer, for your honesty, I’ll give you both a silver axe and the gold axe as the reward,” the God of the river said.
“Thank you, God of the river, thank you so much!” the farmer laughed and bowed to the God of the river.
The honest farmer went home with those three axes, sold them and lived wealthy for the rest of his life.
The farmer’s neighbor heard about this story. He wanted to be rich too. So he came to exactly the same river and threw his axe into the river, then stared cry and cry pretend he lost his axe, too. The God of the river heard him, so he came out again with a silver axe.
“Does this silver axe belongs to you?” the God of the river asked.
That person saw t
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