
2022-10-15 13:30

Why can protect the environment:
The environment and humanity's health is closely linked, the Earth and the humanity are being threatened by each kind of environment disaster: Water pollution, air pollution,

Soil pollution, land desertification, ozone layer empty ....... The humanity contracts some disease like certain cancers, certain chronic poisons as well as with human health related other long-term influences and so on and environmental pollution very big relations.
Consumes the resources and the pollution of the environment production, the life style is intemperately creates the environmental deterioration the root.
In the 21st century, the environmental protection behavior means a person's quality and the education.
Protection environment - - for ours survival.
Protection environment - - for ours descendant descendants.
Let us start from the side, starts from each minor matter, first chooses is advantageous to the protection environment life style. Kindly treats us the homeland, to kindly treat Earth.
Why should we protect the environment:
Environment and human health is closely related to the Earth and humans are being threatened by a variety of environmental disaster: water pollution, air pollution,

Soil pollution, desertification of the land,…… hole in the ozone layer. Humanity is suffering from a number of diseases such as certain types of cancer, chronic poisoning, as well as certain related to human health and a number of other long-term effects of pollution, and other great relationship.
Uncontrolled consumption of resources and pollution of the environment production, lifestyle is the root cause of environmental degradation.
In the 21st century, environmental protection means that a person acts and the quality of education.
Protection of the environment - for the sake of our survival.
Protection of the environment - for the sake of our children and grandchildren.
Let us start from the side, from every start a small, first of all, choose a lifestyle conducive to the protection of the environment. Treat our home and treat the Earth.
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