
2022-08-19 16:53

Dear, you do not need to feel lose. We are certainly different with them, because we are different with anybody. Our love only belongs to us. We pay attentively, our each other treasures, we do not want to injure anybody, we are only the matters which is us to like, I did not understand forever, I only knew that I will not leave ~
Dear,you no need feel upset.We are,of course,different from others,because we the one and only.Our love only belong to ourselves.we devote by heart.we cherish each other and we don't want to hurt anyone others.we just do what we like to,I don't know how to say forever but I only know I cannot leave you forever.
Dear, you don't need to be upset, i'm different then them, because i'm not belong to anyone. Our love is belong to ourself, we pay alot, we cherish each other, we don't want to heart anyone, we are doing things we like, i don't know how to say forever, i only know i'm not leaving.
My dear,you needn't feel worried.Indeedly we are different from them,because we are different from everyone.Our love only belongs to us.We devote ourselves whole-heartedly,and we cherish each other.We don't want to hurt anyone.We just do what we like and I don't dare to say eternal but I do know I will never leave you.
honey,don't be sad.we are different to the others,because we don't belong to anyone.love between us just belong to ourselves.we love eachother while care eachother.we don't want to hurt anyone,we just doing things which we like to do.I won't say forever,I would never leave you,trust me,dear!
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