
2022-08-16 21:45

陈慧琳- Love Paradise

you're always on my mind,
all day?all the time.
you're everything to me,
brightest star to let me see.
you touch me in my dreamed,
we kissed in everything.
i pray to be with you
through all the shinging day.
i'll love you till i die,
deep the sea
wide this sky.
the beauty of my life is
the rainbow everywhere we go.
need you all my life
you're my heart up you're my pride.
in your arms i found my heaven.
in your eyes my see is sky.
then nothing i love pair of time
you're always on my mind,
all day?all the time.
you're everything to me,
brightest star to let me see.
you touch me in my dreamed,
we kissed in everything.
i pray to be with you
through all the shinging day.
i'll love you till i die,
deep the sea
wide this sky.
the beauty of my life is
the rainbow everywhere we go.
need you all my life

you're my heart up you're my pride.
in your arms i found my heaven.
in your eyes my see is sky.
then nothing i love pair of time
i'll love you till i die,
deep the sea
wide this sky.
the beauty of my life is
the rainbow everywhere we go.
need you all my life
you're my heart up you're my pride.
in your arms i found my heaven.
in your eyes my see is sky.
then nothing i love pair of time


我也超喜欢 一直做铃声呢

you're always on my mind,
all day?all the time.
you're everything to me,
brightest star to let me see.
you touch me in my dreamed,
we kissed in everything.
i pray to be with you
through all the shinging day.
i'll love you till i die,
deep the sea
wide this sky.
the beauty of my life is
the rainbow everywhere we go.
need you all my life
you're my heart up you're my pride.
in your arms i found my heaven.
in your eyes my see is sky.
then nothing i love pair of time
you're always on my mind,
all day?all the time.
you're everything to me,
brightest star to let me see.
you touch me in my dreamed,
we kissed in everything.
i pray to be with you
through all the shinging day.
i'll love you till i die,
deep the sea
wide this sky.
the beauty of my life is
the rainbow everywhere we go.
need you all my life

you're my heart up you're my pride.
in your arms i found my heaven.
in your eyes my see is sky.
then nothing i love pair of time
i'll love you till i die,
deep the sea
wide this sky.
the beauty of my life is
the rainbow everywhere we go.
need you all my life
you're my heart up you're my pride.
in your arms i found my heaven.
in your eyes my see is sky.
then nothing i love pair of time
1个回答2024-03-03 18:11
3个回答2022-09-27 16:49
放开她吧,让她走好了,你或许现在会想不开,但是现在的年轻人就是这样,你现在不管你怎么说,她都不会听进去的,只有让她自己经过了之后,她才会自己重新认识自己,重新开始自己的生活。 你说“南方的天堂”,她很...
1个回答2024-02-28 21:20
它是特别憋屈的感觉,特别闹心, 但又感到无可奈何不知如何是好,还没办法发泄的内心感受, 特别茫然纠结的一种状态。郁闷应该是当代青少年用得最多的词之一,说明在很多青少年中间普遍感到迷茫,苦恼。
郁闷啊 好郁闷 怎么办?
2个回答2023-02-19 23:10
当你觉得郁闷 ,因为一点挫折或其他原因便认为自己因为郁闷而悲观的时候,你可想过,其实有很多人都在咬牙坚持地活着,甚至有很多人拼命的想要“活下去”。所以,你这是偶然的小情绪,睡一觉就好了。
3个回答2023-03-23 10:30
多看书 小说 古典小说 中外都行 见识广了就没有那么多烦恼疑惑了。
5个回答2022-10-05 17:00
1个回答2022-09-30 09:30
心烦,有时候是人多想了.总是想到一些将来会发生的事情,这对一个人的心理就形成了压力.何必思考一些不可预测的事情呢? 缓解压力的方法:大声吼1到2分钟将心里的怨气发泄出来;再坐在沙发上静静地听轻音乐15...
2个回答2023-08-11 18:32
呵呵 高兴一天,不快乐也一天。 你可以这样啊 比如找朋友聊聊天 诉诉苦 虽然他们不是什么专家 医生 但他们会是你的开心果 每天对着镜子给自己一个微笑 这是很好的办法哦 不妨试试 我经常这样的 再比如 ...
1个回答2023-02-13 10:21
你知道自己是为什么事而郁闷的么? 如果你只是说笼统的 什么事都郁闷 或 不知道为什么事而郁闷的 那 我想 别人是帮不上你的 最多只能给你一点笼统的建议 比如呢 去干一些能让自己的心静下来的事情 如果你...
4个回答2023-02-20 13:58