why has 和why does ,what had 和what did 的区别 举例说明 谢谢

2024-08-14 15:43

比如:why has the number of visitors to the village of frinley increased?为什么不用why is或 why does??
has increased 是现在完成时态。the number of visitors to the village of frinley 是主语 这句的意思是:为什么到frinley 村的游客的数量增加了。如果用is...increased 是被动语态,不合题意。如果用does 就更不行,因为increased 是过去分词。当然,这句也可以改成:Why does the number of visitors to the village of Frinley increase?
这些问题搞不懂是因为你对特殊疑问句结构没弄清:特殊疑问词(就是what, how,when,where 等)+一般疑问句。所以why has... 是why + 现在完成时的特殊疑问句Why has he stayed here for such a long time?. why does he often go there? 是一般现在时
what had he done before I arrived 是过去完成时
what did he do? 是一般过去时
1个回答2024-02-20 00:03
my best friend is dong sth i ask her"what is it?" She asked me a question, called how to make a b...
什么时候用what do/does/did,什么时候用what is/are
1个回答2023-11-20 22:34
句中有谓语动词,疑问句要加助动词do/does/did,如果是第一人称或第二人称用do,第三人称用does,如果谓语动词是过去时,助动词用did。 what is/are 是句中没有谓语动词,is/a...
What does Danny see?what后为什么用does
5个回答2023-11-18 16:28
What does Danny see ? 这是个一般现在时态的特殊疑问句 。原句陈 述语句庅该是 这么说的 : Danny sees ( a bird in the tree ) . ...
“what do”和“what does”的区别是什么?
2个回答2023-11-18 21:17
what do 后面接的是复数形式,后面跟着we、you这类的词语。比如:what do you like?你喜欢什么? what does 后面接的是单数形式,后面跟着it、she、he这类的第...
what does
1个回答2024-02-25 07:10
what does he enjoy listening to?他喜欢听什么音乐? why does he enjoy listening?他为什么喜欢听音乐?
what does是什么意思
1个回答2024-02-25 22:05
特殊疑问词加助动词, 一般动词特殊疑问句的最前面
---What did the Englishman ...
1个回答2024-02-20 13:59
【答案】C 【答案解析】试题分析:名词性从句中要用陈述语序,he asked为宾语从句,根据句意从句用一般过去时。句意:——那个英国人说什么?——哦,他问你来自哪儿。 考点:名词性从句。 点评:在名词...
What does she do是什么意思
3个回答2023-09-29 15:10
What does she do的中文翻译 What does she do 她做什么
what does she do?是什么意思
3个回答2023-09-29 16:21
what does she do? 她是做什么的? 双语对照中桐闹 例句: 1. What does she do differently? 她做的卖罩有什么不同吗? 2. What does she...
what does tiger say
1个回答2024-02-14 08:04
您好! 这句话您可以翻译为:老虎说什么 希望我的回答能够帮到您!