听力原文: Plastic bags can be found almost everywhere around us....

2024-08-08 11:15

听力原文: Plastic bags can be found almost everywhere around us. (30)According to. the American Plastics Council, 80 percent of groceries are packed in plastic bags. The numbers are absolutely surprising. It is estimated that consumers use between 500 billion and one trillion plastic bags per year all over the world. Plastic bags can be found in landfills, stuck on trees, and floating in the ocean. Some experts say that plastic bags may harm the environment. It may take hundreds of years for plastic bags to break down. As they break down, they will release poisonous materials into the water and th
解析:关于plastic bags,听力一开始就提到According to the American Plastics Council, 80 percent of groceries are packed in plastic bags(据美国塑料委员会的调查,80%的食品是用塑料袋进行包装),但是选项A所述的比例为90%,与听力内容不符合。
Your pocket money can be us...
1个回答2024-06-01 21:12
【答案】C 【答案解析】试题分析:be used to sth习惯于某事;used to do sth过去常常做某事. sth be used to do sth某物被用来做某事。句意:你的零用钱可以...
1个回答2022-12-11 20:09
2个回答2023-11-19 23:59
您好,汉语的【喜欢】翻译成英语可以用 be fond of,不确定您是否打错成 be found of。 我喜欢音乐和跳舞。 英语 = I am fond of music and dancing.
3个回答2022-12-13 15:37
almost lover 是什么故事
1个回答2024-01-22 23:21
《almost lover》是讲的一段年轻青涩无望的爱 如果硬要翻是 几乎情人 很好的表达出笔者对那段感情的遗憾和无奈亦 为他的美好与深刻 我觉得:无望的爱人 比较贴切
almost lover什么意思
1个回答2024-02-21 12:58
看你怎么理解吧。 “永远无缘的恋人。”之类的。 almost lover字面上的意思是几乎恋人,形容的是若即若离的恋人关系。 forever是永远的意思。
almost lover什么意思
1个回答2024-02-29 20:17
  almost lover   [词典] 恋人未满(歌名);   [例句]Reverend mother: from what I hear, your singing career is a...
歌词有you can be my bad boy be my man be my weeken lover but don't be my friend的歌名
5个回答2023-10-27 17:41
bad boy Remember the feelings,remember the day My stone heart was breaking My love ran away This mo...
some birds can never be shut up出自那本书?
2个回答2023-12-19 04:19
这句话出自《肖申克的救赎》,意思是:有些鸟儿是永远关不住的,因为它们的每一片羽翼上都沾满了自由的光辉! 1、meant to be 英 [ment tu: bi:]   美 [mɛnt tu b...
哦咿呦咦you can be my friend什么歌曲
3个回答2023-10-07 23:20
会不是best friend ——toy-box