Which of the following is NOT true about 41-year-old Chris H...

2024-06-02 23:39

Which of the following is NOT true about 41-year-old Chris Heard?A.He used to play a role in a movie.B.He got a stack of speeding tickets.C.He found a job closer to home.D.He had a number of near collisions.
解析:这是道细节题。这道题可以采取排除法,这道题需要注意的是题目指的是不正确的东西。最后一段的“…the result of his congestion-fueled fury — a stack of speeding tickets and a number of near collisions. Finally he did something about it:…”堵塞引发他的暴躁,结果是收到了一大堆的超速单和发生了为数不少的险些碰撞事故。最终他还是采取了一些行动——他找了一份更靠近家的工作。故选A。
阅读理解 The following is a true story
1个回答2024-03-14 01:16
A D C B A 肯定对,相信我,我们做过了,这个也是江苏课课练的试卷对吧
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上面一个 因为下面一个有两个谓语动词了
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this is the guest room that about raps up the tour of the house
1个回答2024-06-27 05:20
帮你问了一下国际友人。。。 没有rap up 只有wrap up。。。就是迅速干完一件事情