Born in fire and fury, Devils Tower was then shaped by the s...

2024-04-07 19:20

Born in fire and fury, Devils Tower was then shaped by the slow, gentle work of wind and water.选择音频中提到的单词或词组A、ferry B、furry C、fury



ferry [ ˈferi] n. 渡船;摆渡

furry [ ˈfɜːri] adj. 毛皮的;有皮毛般覆盖的

fury [ ˈfjʊri] n. 狂怒;暴怒

Born in fire and fury, Devils Tower was then shaped by the s...
1个回答2024-02-07 07:58
C 解析: 本题主要考查词组was shaped by的中文释义。 be shaped by 被…塑造
helen keller was..born in the us in 1880根据
1个回答2024-01-20 14:11
When and where Helen Keller was born?
the night and the fury是什么意思
1个回答2024-04-02 14:35
the night and the fury 直译的意思是:“这夜晚和这愤怒”。 但这意思是喻意一个非常黑暗隐蔽而又充满狂暴,不太平宁静安逸的环境时刻; 这是用“night夜晚”的黑沉沉来比喻...
boy in the tower简介
1个回答2024-04-22 01:30
boy in the tower 塔里的男孩来 《塔里的男孩》,是由陈升自作词作曲并演唱的一首华语歌曲,收录于专辑《鱼说》中。 tower 英 [ˈtaʊə(r)] 美 [ˈtaʊɚ] n. ...
Fire in the hole!是什么意思?
1个回答2023-10-28 16:58
这是个炮兵术则巧旁语。早期的前装炮孙橡后部有火门,通过点燃火门上宽梁的引信来击发。fire in the hole的意思是,我已经点火了,大家小心。
啊哈哈哈哈 fire in the hole 是什么歌
1个回答2024-02-02 00:25
歌曲名:Fire In The Hole 歌手:Ass Ponys
The poor little girl was tired and hungry in the forest ...
1个回答2024-06-26 09:58
C 解析: 答案在第三自然段第一句。在屋子的另一头,有7张小床。所以屋里应该住着7个小矮人,但kind-hearted没有提到。
The poor little girl was tired and hungry in the forest ...
1个回答2024-03-13 16:36
B 解析: [精析] 根据文章的第一、二句。那位可怜的小女孩在大森林里又冷又饿。她在森林里走着,希望能找到东西吃,因为她不想死。所以她在大森林里并不愉快。故此题与文章相悖。
The poor little girl was tired and hungry in the forest ...
1个回答2024-05-02 13:36
A 解析: 答案在第二自然段第二句。在一张长桌上,有7副刀叉,7个盘子和水杯。所以屋里应该住着7个人。
.The city, which _________ by beautiful scenery, is where I was born. su
1个回答2024-01-23 21:44
展开全部 B be surrounded by “被包围”,“这个城市就是我出生的地方,周围都是美景。”根据句意选择B。