Look and talk

2024-03-06 17:40

Look at the pictures.They are Christmas in different seasons and in different ***.One Christmas is in summer,the other is in ***.Do you think there is a big difference?写一段话

    I think there is a big difference,because the weather in differernt seasons

is different.
    In spring, it is often windy in March and it is always warm in April and May. It rains sometimes
and trees and grass turn green in May.
    In summer, it's hot in the day and cool at night. It usually rains a lot in July and August. The days
are longer and the night are shorter.
    The weather in autumn is very nice. It's always warm and sunny in September and October.
People like going out in this season.
    The winter is always from December to February. It's very cold in winter and it snows sometimes.

look and colour letters
1个回答2022-09-10 22:02
Look at the picture and write. 看图写单词。 ...
1个回答2024-03-03 19:43
1. beak   2. wing   3. feathers   4. paw   5. birds   6. fishes
谁知道有一首英文的儿童歌曲,我只是记得头一句“look, look, look at her”
1个回答2024-04-06 10:50
look, look, look at her she is beautiful she is beautiful I like looking at her.
you look at me again, and i'll eat you up
4个回答2022-12-02 04:46
1个回答2024-03-04 03:45
走马观花zǒu mǎ guān huā [释义] 骑在跑着的马上看花。比喻匆忙、粗略地观察了解。走:跑。 [语出] 宋·杨万里《和同年李子西通判》:“走马看花拂绿扬;曲江同赏牡丹香。” [近义] ...
Look! .
1个回答2024-03-06 04:23
C 解析: 此题考查的是倒装句。当 here,there,now,then 置于句首时,句子使用全倒装句式。如“There goes the bell.”。这种倒装一般不用进行时,如果主语是...
1个回答2024-05-24 08:32
don't talk,no talk,not talk的用法和区别。
1个回答2022-11-03 18:46
don't talk 这是常用的句型。可以是陈述句,也可以是祈使句。例如: 1, Please don't talk to me ! 2 , She doesn't talk to me。 ...
look look what can you see
2个回答2023-10-29 12:41
看看,你看见了什么? 看看你能看见什么,我看见书上的一只小鸟; 看看你能看见什么,我看见一个老虎在看电宽猛视昌腔; 看看耐巧衫你能看见什么,我看见一个猴子在喝茶。
英文杂志里的first look 和second look是什么意思。
1个回答2022-12-06 03:48