—Are there any English story books for us students in the li...

2024-02-15 04:12

- Are there any story books for students to read in the library ? - There are on
1个回答2024-05-23 19:40
B 说话人肯定的情况才用some, 所以用any吧。。
Are there many story in the library的翻译
1个回答2024-02-10 22:43
应该要问 : Are there many story books in the library? 图书馆有很多故事书吗?
The story books are those -----(child).
1个回答2024-02-09 12:36
children 就已经是【孩子们的】了··· 不用children‘s在结尾···
there are 3 children in ten story是什么意思
1个回答2024-02-07 08:32
there are somr ----------(cloud) in the sky
1个回答2024-03-13 13:15
clouds 数名词
Can you read the _________(follow) story in English?
1个回答2024-02-28 11:29
following 动词变形容词……
The story tells us:________.
1个回答2024-02-11 23:42
The story tells us that the tall dark girl was in the family...
1个回答2024-01-29 20:52
reading books in the morning
1个回答2024-02-02 00:54
reading books in the morning 意思就是: 在早晨读书
we students与us students
1个回答2022-12-05 07:26
strict with us中us做宾语,students 和us是并列的成分,对us做补充,说明us是学生,即这句话是Mr. Wang is very strict with us 或者Mr. Wa...