芜湖 方特梦幻王国 背景英文歌曲叫什么名字,男女合唱的

2023-10-15 13:26

Where We Belong - WestLife

Being interviewed by somebody

In a hotel lobby

She says where do you come from

Now I'd really like to talk about it

But if you write it

Please don't get it wrong

Mum said you should always aim high
To a kid with a glint in his eye

She would never lie

And now we're four years on
Feels like we've just begun
Never forget this is where we belong

Everytime that we talk about moving on it turns into a song

Cause together we're strong oh we're strong
Like the place we come from
This is where we belong
Next question

I bet I've heard this one before

No we're not about to stop no no
So let me ask you something

When we got something this good

Tell me why would we give up

Mum said you should always aim high
To a kid with a glint in his eyes

She would never lie no no
And now we're four years on
Feels like we've just begun
Never forget this is where we belong oh yeah
Everytime that we talk about moving on it turns into a song

Cause together we're strong oh we're strong
Like the place we come from this is where we belong

Last question

Now I've really got to go

Till the next time next time next time yeah yeah
And now we're four years on
Feels like we've just begun
Never forget this is where we belong yeah yeah
Everytime that we talk about moving on
It turns into a song

Cause together we're strong yeah yeah
Like the place we come from together we're strong
This is where we belong
And now we're four years on
Feels like we've just begun
Never forget this is where we belong never

Everytime that we talk about moving on
Talk about moving it turns into a song
Cause together we're strong

Like the place we come from
This is where we belong
应该是B W hat U Wanna B
歌手:Darin Darin
1个回答2024-04-09 21:52
1、芜湖方特东方神画 AAAAA 推荐1 芜湖方特东方神画位于安徽省芜湖市方特旅游度假区,占地约50万平方米,包含八个大型主题区,拥有十几个方特独家呈现的大型主题项目。以方特独家主题项目、游乐项...
1个回答2024-02-19 11:29
那么老了还出来招摇赚骗 专门破坏人噶好事
想知道: 芜湖市 芜湖市西洋湖小区在哪儿? 在哪
1个回答2022-09-11 02:20
1个回答2022-12-05 07:38
楼主你好: 芜湖赭山公园、芜湖镜湖公园、芜湖鸠兹广场、芜湖中山路步行街、芜湖天门山公园、芜湖神山公园、芜湖奥体公园、芜湖滨江公园、芜湖中央公园、芜湖九莲塘公园、芜湖银湖公园。
2个回答2023-04-11 00:01
芜湖好玩的地方很多, 太湖山、还有游乐场, 这两个地方还是不错的。
1个回答2022-12-06 00:33
1个回答2024-01-23 03:17
1个回答2024-01-29 10:49
说到芜湖的方特,相信大家应该都知道,目前总共有四期,分别是欢乐世界,梦幻王国,水上乐园,东方神画。这四个园每个都代表了一个娱乐方向。那么这四个园哪个最好玩呢?下面就和小编一起来看看吧! 1、芜湖方特...
1个回答2024-03-08 03:56
1个回答2024-03-09 21:24