各位旅客请注意:飞机即将起飞,请关闭手机,系好安全带 。怎么翻译?

2023-01-18 15:54

各位旅客请注意:飞机即将起飞,请关闭手机,系好安全带 。怎么用英语翻译?
2023-01-18 17:09
All passengers please note: the plane is about to take off, please turn off the mobile phone, fasten the safety belt.
Ladies and gentlemen, attention, please. The plane is taking off. Please shut off your cell phones, and make sure that the safety belt is in place.
Dear passengers, may I have your attention please. The plane is going to take off. Please switch off your mobiles and fasten your seat belts, thank you.
In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigation and communication systems, passengers are toys, and other electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptio computers are not allowed to use during take-off and landing.