
2023-01-12 15:27

2023-01-12 17:22
dear Stella,
This is my whouid the day.I get up at 6'clock,then i wash my face .I quaikly eat breakfast,is very delious .then i go to school , i go to school on foot, but sometimes i go to school by bus.I spend an hours . So,I often get to schol at 7,30'clock.And we begin to classes.
i get up at 6'clock .then i wash wy face and have breakfast.i go to school at 7'clock.sometime i go to school by bus,sometime on foot.i get to school about 8'clock.our first class begins at 8`clock.
i get up at 6'clock .then i wash wy face and have breakfast.i go to school at 7'clock.sometime i go to school by bus,sometime on foot.i get to school about 8'clock.so we should begin classes.