
2022-12-24 00:59

2022-12-24 02:03
I have lived alone since junior high school ,and my growth is full of ups and downs. Owing to immaturity, I took a roundabout course in my life, but I remain true to my ideal. In my opinion,smooth sailing does merit, but it is because of setbacks I've experienced before, that make me realize what should I do.That is my most prized possession.
Since junior high school life alone, have bitter sweet and grow. Because young not mature, left many tortuous paths, but has been toward ideal forward. In my opinion, plain sailing is good, but is enough experience before the setbacks, let I can see more clearly what to do, this is my most precious wealth
i live on myself since i was in junior secondary school. Along my way of growth, i tasted the sweetness as well as the bitterness. i traveld through many meanders for my immaturity, but my ideal destination never changed. In my view, keeping going without barrier is good, but the setbacks i encountered are ever better. they make me clear about what should i do, which become my most precious possessions.