“The Little Prince” tells the fantasy adventure story of a little prince who lives on the Asteroid B-612. The Little Prince had a misunderstanding with his beloved rose, so he decided to leave his own planet and begin a journey to the universe. During his travels, he visited six different planets, each inhabited by adults representing some character or social malady of the adult world, and the Little Prince's journey finally reached Earth. On Earth, he met a fox, from the fox where he learned“Important things with the eye is invisible” this truth. This made him reflect on his relationship with roses and realize the importance of love and responsibility. In the Sahara Desert, the little prince meets the pilot, who is the narrator of the story, who lands because of a plane malfunction. The Little Prince and the pilot forged a deep friendship, and in the pilot's help, understand the true meaning of life.
The little prince explores the absurdity and superficiality of the adult world, and reveals the profound meanings of friendship, love, responsibility and human nature. The book is full of symbols and metaphors, encouraging readers to find the true value of life, and to maintain a pure heart.