

welcome in everyone ready to dive in today,we're going back to the roaring twenties,think flapper dresses jazz music go and a little thing called the scope's trial,right? you know that whole monkey trial thing we're going deep with John scope's own account.the trial that rocked the world its nineteen twenty five small town tennessee and a seemingly simple question.
should evolution be taught in schools turns out,it's way more complicated than it sounds. it really captured the anxieties of a nation changing rapidly,it wasn't just about science and religion.it was about what America was going to be in this new modern age,the very soul of America some would argue exactly,
and it's wild to think scopes himself just this regular science teacher was at the center of it all.he was almost an accidental celebraty,totally in his book. he even says he never set out to be some kind of radical anti religion,crusader or anything which makes the whole thing even more interesting he.here is the small town teacher suddenly thrust onto this national stage oh in the media frenzy. it was insane,
imagine twenty two telegraphists.sending out every little detail,twenty two this was nineteen twenty five no radio no TV newspapers were it.the whole nation was hooked on this story. can you imagine that kind of media attention today,it'd be like non stop tweets and tik toks it shows just how deeply this try resonated with people?
it wasn't just some local courtroom drama. this was a national debate playing out in real time,and as the stakes rose,so did the players enter clarence darrow,the defense attorney,the legend right,
arguing against William jennings Brian,the three time presidential candidate it was a.clash of titans almost like a legal dream match this staunch defender of civil liberties against his towering figure of traditional values and scopes is caught in the middle he actually admired Brian before all this,even though they obviously disagreed on.well evolution seriously,
can you imagine facing off against your hero in a court room that felt like it could explode from the sheer number of people?scopes even said he was worried the floor would collapse. the tension must have been incredible,it wasn't just about scopes in the law anymore,it was symbolic.a struggle for the very heart of America,
we're back and the stage is set packed courtroom sweltering heat everyone waiting to see what happens next in the scope straw you can practically feel the tension right even just reading scopes account and then.darrow makes this move. he calls Brian the prosecutor as a witness,an expert witness.on the bible,WOW,
talk about power play darrow's walking into the lion's den,using brian's own beliefs against him sleep.metal legal strategy or something and scopes is right there watching these titans go at it darrow's good. he's methodical starts with the creation story asks about the six days the garden of eden even brings up the flood.I mean,scopes writes about how you could see Brian getting uncomfortable darryl's chipping away at this literal interpretation,
right like the age of the earth Brian sing six thousand years science ssing.对。and then boom.the question,the question.
the one everyone remembers from the scopes trial,do you have any idea how this snake went at that time talking about the cardinal of eden? of course,it's genius right like darrow uses humor,yeah.a little absurdity to show just how hard it is to take the bible literally,
especially when it comes to science scope,says the court room just erupted I bet even some of brian's supporters were tricked not to laugh it's important to remember,though darrow wasn't anti religion.he just believed in like separation of church and state,yeah,
he kept saying that what's taught in schools shouldn't be up to just one religious viewpoint. right,it's about everyone's right to learn,and that's still so relevant what should be taught in school.science versus beliefs.we're still debating this today almost a hundred years later. it shows you how this trial it wasn't just some weird moment in history,
right like sometimes progress takes awhile and sometimes it takes a lawyer making a joke about a snow.snake to make people think about huge issues,but hold on even though the mood shifted in the courtroom.Brian wasn't done oh no,not at all. Brian was a fighter,
and he was still hero to a lot of people,people who felt like their whole world,their values were under attack by all this change,it becomes less about the legal stuff,more about.
feeling about the heart of the matter and we're back for the final round of our scope's trial deep dive,we've seen the set up the arguments and that incredible face off between darrow and Brian. it was electric.so what happens next? well,Brian,he's just had his beliefs challenged on a national stage,
how does he react? he digs in gives this incredibly powerful speech,defending his faith.his worldview,he was a gifted orator. you know that great common or energy right,exactly scope seven,
writes about it,says it was like vintage Brian railing against an attack on America itself,so even after darryl's questioning he still.firm in his beliefs for Brian,it wasn't just about a literal bible. it was about a way of life values,
things he fell were under attack in this modern world teaching evolution was like a crack in the foundation.you can see how people would feel that way. it's easy to forget now,but it wasn't just science,good religion,bad. it was way more complicated,
so much more nuanced,real people,real fears.trying to make sense of a changing world,so the verdict did Brian win the jury over scopes was found guilty,
but honestly that's almost beside the point.the trial was about something bigger by then scrub BS actually says he felt relieved at the verdict wild right he knew what it had become.a symbol this huge debate about science,religion,education in America and that conversation wasn't ending just because of one verdict and get this the law scopes was convicted under the one banning evolution.
stayed on the books in tennessee for decades decades,it shows how deeply these ideas were rooted.change doesn't happen over night,especially when it comes to deeply held beliefs.makes you wonder what scopes would think of the world today.
day,you know,I was still wrestling with these same questions almost a century later,absolutely it wasn't just about monkeys. it was about faith and reason,tradition and progress.
individual belief verses what society says is right those tensions are still shaping our world,even as science changes our understanding of the universe.we're still figuring it out,so the scope's trial it didn't settle anything. it just made sure we keep asking these questions,it's like their debate is part of our own conversation now,
and that's it's power. it reminds US that these aren't easy answers,it's a process.this search for truth for understanding a journey,not a destination,and on that note we wrap up our scope's trial deep dive.
but here's a font. what are the scopes trials of our own time,the big questions we're facing that'll echo for generations,something to think about,maybe someday someone will be deep diving into our time trying to understand it all. thank you.thanks for joining.
