Few novels have had as profound an impact on American culture as On the Road. Pulsating with the rhythms of 1950s underground America, jazz, sex, illicit drugs, and the mystery and promise of the open road, Kerouac's classic novel of freedom and longing defined what it meant to be "beat" and has inspired generations of writers, musicians, artists, poets, and seekers who cite their discovery of the book as the event that "set them free".
Based on Kerouac's adventures with Neal Cassady, On the Road tells the story of two friends whose four cross-country road trips are a quest for meaning and true experience.
Always going, always dreaming. 一开始看中译本,看不进去,才转战有声书。感觉,文字,太容易往回看了,一点没看懂就会卡住,目光瞟过发现没入脑会选择重读;有声书,音频过去了就过去了,听不清听不懂只要还能接受就让它过去了,这本书尤其如此,我甚至感觉,这本书有些部分读者根本不需要知道Dean到底在说什么,朗读者演绎的很好,重点是体会他的那种气质(疯疯的也算是一种气质 吧)。 On the Road, 代表一种不安于现状,永远往前看,永远看向未知的精神。停不下来,像在追赶自己的欲望,得不到满足;但因为始终“在路上”所以得不到满足也不会因此感到空虚/不满。