《淘气比莉》围绕着Jack的好友兼邻居,古灵精怪的Billie,她的小脑瓜里总有各种好点子,能解决各种麻烦!这套书适合6-9岁小读者,能够让孩子培养语言能力的同时建立积极的世界观。故事贴近生活,情节跌宕起伏,孩子们很容易被带入角色。 每个独立小故事涵盖了生活的各种场景,用孩子的角度解決孩子的烦恼,非常值得一看!
Meet Billie B Brown! Do you know what the B stands for? It's for Brave, Brilliant and Bold! The Billie B misadventures have quickly become favourites for girls all over the world. Billie is a strong role model for girls who would rather be complimented on their brains or strength than their looks, but still know how to rock a tutu - provided they can team it with boots. Sally wrote the Billie books when her own son was struggling to learn to read. These books are carefully designed with word art and illustrations – no mountains of text or super-tricky words to intimidate the early reader.