双语说 - 说你 说我 说冬奥

双语说 - 说你 说我 说冬奥


听众朋友们好,欢迎您收听《 双语说-说你 说我 说冬奥》-我们立足冬奥举办城市-北京和张家口,传播张家口人说的张家口,宣传北京人说的北京城。传播正能量,力争趣味浓。带您游遍山水美景,吃遍大小名城, 地道靠谱,实用可行。 听我们用双语给您介绍山水人文,传说典故,游乐美食的同时,也许您还能多学点英语,方便您不时之需,帮助您多赚美金,希望您财运亨通。Hello, my dears. We will introduce every beautiful thing of Beijing and Zhangjiakou to you both in English and in Mandarin. Including sports ,beatiful sceneries ,delicious foods ,histories and some folk legends. This program is very interesting. Want to know more, please listen… 您有什么想说的主题,只要是正能量,尽管给我们留言,我们会用中英文双语宣传,让全中国知道,让全世界都知道。好,下次我们说的主题也许就是您选择的主题,也许就是您关注的主题,也许就是以您的事业为主题,如需我们帮您宣传 请您在节目下方留言 我们全心全意服务 祝您期期收听开心 Wherever you are from,whoever you are, whatever you do, as long as you are a friend with positive spirit of the Olympics. We are willing to help you. We will broadcast you bilingually to the world. We hope your business will be booming. You are welcome to offer us the topic you pay attention to. Please leave us a message below. Thank you.

