简爱 英文版 Jane•Eyre

简爱 英文版 Jane•Eyre








Jane Eyre is an autobiographical novel, which tells a story of love and dignity.

Jane Eyre's parents died early when she was young, and she was fostered at her aunt's house; In the meantime, she was discriminated by her cousin, humiliated and bullied by her cousin, abandoned by her aunt, and grew up in a charity boarding school. It is precisely because of all this that Jane Eyre's boundless confidence and unyielding character, an invincible internal personality power, have been exchanged. She wasunswerving in her quest for a bright, holy and beautiful life. When Jane Eyre met Mr. Rochester and fell in love with him, she was about to enter the palace ofmarriage, but she found that Rochester had a wife - a crazy woman who was imprisoned in the attic. When she was sad, Jane Eyre fled the manor alone and wandered around; Later, she returned to Rochester because she had been obsessed with him. At this time, the manor was completely unrecognizable, and Rochester was blind, but Jane Eyre resolutely walked with him.

Jane Eyre, which has been published for more than 150 years, is still popular and touches the hearts of countless people. The story spans the river of time and brings courage and strength to countless people.

  • 阳光_优兰


  • 火炎焰

    Affectionate performance with wonderful post production effects👍

  • Rose迷迭香

    Great performance!👍👍👍

  • 一禾0610

    Very standard pronunciation.