5.6 The Mysterious Benedict Society #1

5.6 The Mysterious Benedict Society #1


After passing a series of mind-bending tests, four children are selected for a secret mission to go undercover at the Learning Institute for the Very Enlightened, where their mission is to stop the plan of the evil Ledroptha Curtain. Book #1

  • Bella_Meadows

    Oh my god, it’s definitely my favourite book ever! The movie is spectacular too. A pity there are no posters and souvenirs about this book. This book, it’s my life!

  • 雪兔子Mary

    本来打算听个热闹,顺便学学小说怎么写,但这书远超预期,让我这个几百个月大的儿童听得津津有味。书里没有生僻单词,情节也不是一点漏洞挑不出来,但紧张刺激也是真的。MBS的成员只有3 11 12岁,但是智商和能力远超同龄人甚至几十岁的大人。 书里的名字值得一提。听见Benedict,第一反应是本尼迪特试剂,检测还原糖用的,一查发现还真是同一个词🤣 (接下文)