The Memory Collectors

The Memory Collectors


Perfect for fans of The Scent Keeper and The Keeper of Lost Things, an atmospheric and enchanting debut novel about two women haunted by buried secrets but bound by a shared gift and the power the past holds over our lives.

Ev has a mysterious ability, one that she feels is more a curse than a gift. She can feel the emotions people leave behind on objects and believes that most of them need to be handled extremely carefully, and – if at all possible – destroyed. The harmless ones she sells at Vancouver’s Chinatown Night Market to scrape together a living, but even that fills her with trepidation. Meanwhile, in another part of town, Harriet hoards thousands of these treasures and is starting to make her neighbors sick as the overabundance of heightened emotions start seeping through her apartment walls.

When the two women meet, Harriet knows that Ev is the only person who can help her make something truly spectacular of her collection. A museum of memory that not only feels warm and inviting but can heal the emotional wounds many people unknowingly carry around. They only know of one other person like them, and they fear the dark effects these objects had on him. Together, they help each other to develop and control their gift, so that what happened to him never happens again. But unbeknownst to them, the same darkness is wrapping itself around another, dragging them down a path that already destroyed Ev’s family once, and threatens to annihilate what little she has left.

The Memory Collectors casts the everyday in a new light, speaking volumes to the hold that our past has over us – contained, at times, in seemingly innocuous objects – and uncovering a truth that both women have tried hard to bury with their pasts: Not all magpies collect shiny things – sometimes they gather darkness.

  • 雪兔子Mary

    只说内容: 小说虽然逻辑方面有些漏洞,比如Ev和Noemi的爸爸是怎么从一个阳光的人变成了后来那样(难道只是因为接触到了那把剪刀吗?有负面能量的物品对人有吸引力吗?这些都没有解释); 人物的塑造也有点不太清晰(前后不太一致,的确有些角色存在一定程度的反转,但个人认为过了,整体效果有点乱)。 但毕竟这是作者的第一部小说,不可能那么完美,有的地方让人疑惑也很正常(如果是我,很可能根本写不到这个水平)。不过构思方面很有新意,最后set在Harriet老房子的部分也很精彩。 不推荐但也不避雷,有时间可以作为light-listening听听。

  • 见魔者


  • emellea

    喜欢这本书,因为它让我以一种不一样的眼光看待物品,人的和物品的情绪。我很开心最后能come to an happy ending,大家都找到了各自该做的事。Ev和Herriot是互相影响互相救赎的,而且她们莫名的很相信对方并且为对方着想,有点惺惺相惜的意味。Owen让人感到可靠、温暖和安心。或许,他曾经并不如此,只是在发生了那些事之后,做出了改变。The past isn’t necessarily important, after all, we live in the present.