our only may amelia 2000年纽奖

our only may amelia 2000年纽奖




作者:Jennifer L. Holm珍妮弗·霍尔姆

Our Only May Amelia是三度纽伯瑞奖得主珍妮弗·霍尔姆的处女作,受姑奶奶——真实的梅·艾米莉亚的日记启发,霍尔姆用她精巧优美的语言为我们呈现了这位满怀勇气、幽默、热情和美国人拓荒精神的少女的传奇。


珍妮佛.L.霍尔姆是三个纽伯瑞大奖的获奖得主,获奖书籍分别是《我们唯一的梅.阿米莉亚》、《天堂的便士》以及《天堂里的海龟》。珍妮佛与她的弟弟马修.霍尔姆合作,共同创作了两个系列的漫画小说,分别是获得艾斯纳奖的Babymouse 系列以及畅销的squish 系列。她同时拥有几部获得高度评价的作品,如Boston Jane trilogy还有middle school is wrose than meatloaf。

  • bonjourTeddy

    may is a brave girl who has her own personalities,girls just can do anything that boys can do,it also shows an America that I have never seen!large farm,beautiful countryside,wild life with animals and lots of big brothers!it's a dream place that i can only imagine!

  • 叫我三文鱼鱼鱼

    May Amelia is an adventurious girl, she has a hobby that people believe a girl shouldn't have. I also really like the author of this book, Jennifer L. Holm writes children books, I've read her “the fourteenth goldfish” and “the third mushroom”:)