The Queen's Gambit

The Queen's Gambit


Engaging and fast-paced, this gripping coming-of-age novel of chess, feminism, and addiction speeds to a conclusion as elegant and satisfying as a mate in four.

Eight-year-old orphan Beth Harmon is quiet, sullen, and by all appearances unremarkable. That is, until she plays her first game of chess. Her senses grow sharper, her thinking clearer, and for the first time in her life she feels herself fully in control.

By the age of 16, she’s competing for the US Open championship. But as Beth hones her skills on the professional circuit, the stakes get higher, her isolation grows more frightening, and the thought of escape becomes all the more tempting.

  • 雪兔子Mary

    棋局就像人生,从任何一步不同的选择中都会发散出无数的可能。因此这本书虽然用了大量篇幅讲棋,但它给人的感觉远比描述这项运动深刻沉重甚至压抑得多。 Beth虽然有过人的象棋天赋,但从小时候的失去父母,一直的几乎没有朋友,到后来参加比赛面对强大对手带来的重重压力都要她自己承受。幸好在她酒和药物成瘾最严重的时候在孤儿院认识的朋友J帮她走了出来,让她最终赢得六个月后的世界级比赛。

  • 优雅之狼

    wonderful wonderful wonderful