Foxcraft - The Taken

Foxcraft - The Taken

Foxcraft - The Taken Book 1作者:Inabali Iserles 我今年十一岁,六年级。这是我第一部有声书,所以我一天只能录一两页请原谅。
Glossary - Karakking: Imitating the call of other creatures. The technique allows the fox to "throw" his or her voice, so it appears to come from elsewhere. Used to attract prey or confuse attakers. Slimmering: Still ing the breath and the mind to create the illusion of invisibility. prey and predators are temporarily disoriented. Used to avoid detectoin. Wa'akkir: Shape-shifting into another creature. Missure of wa'akkir can lead to injury or death. It's practice is subject to rites that are closely guarded by the elders. Maa-sharm: Maa is the energy and essence of all living things. Maa-sharm transfes Maa from one fox to another. Used to heal frail or wounded foxes. Gerra-sharm: Gerra is the the thinking center of living beings - the mind. Gerra-sharm allows foxes to share their thoughts. Its a rare foxcraft - a forgotten art and only be perfored by foxes with intense, intuitive bond.

