The War That Saved My Life

The War That Saved My Life

Ada is 10 years old and has never left her one room apartment. Her cruel mother is too humiliated by Ada’s twisted foot to let her outside. So when her little brother, Jamie, is shipped out of London to escape the war, Ada sneaks out to join him.
Ada and Jamie are forced upon Susan Smith, A woman used to have only herself to care for. At Susan‘s home, Ada teaches herself to ride a pony, learns to read, and watches for German spies. She even begins to trust Susan— and Susan begins to love Ada and Jamie. But in the end, will their bond be enough to hold them together through war time? Or will Ada and her brother fall back into the hands of their mother?

Ada是个十岁的女孩,她从没有踏出过她的房间。她残暴的妈妈忍受不了Ada畸形的右脚。当世界大战打响时,Ada的弟弟,Jamie被送出伦敦以躲避战争时Ada便偷偷和他一起上了船。Ada和Jamie被分配到了Susan Smith的家中。在Susan的家,Ada学会了骑马、阅读、写字和寻找德国间谍。她甚至开始信任Susan,Susan也爱上了姐弟俩。但是……他们缘分能够让他们永远在一起吗?姐弟俩会在次落到他们妈妈的手中吗?
