Astrophysics for People in a Hurry - Neil deGrasse Tyson
For all those who are too busy to read fat books Yet nonetheless seek a conduit to the cosmos
In recent years, no more than a week goes by without news of a cosmic discovery worthy of banner headlines. While media gatekeepers may have developed an interest in the universe, this rise in coverage likely comes from a genuine increase in the public’s appetite for science. Evidence for this abounds, from hit television shows inspired or informed by science, to the success of science fiction films starring marquee actors, and brought to the screen by celebrated producers and directors. And lately, theatrical release biopics featuring important scientists have become a genre unto itself. There’s also widespread interest around the world in science festivals, science fiction conventions, and science documentaries for television.
开始只觉得是一本写得很有趣 很清晰易读的科普读物 最后一章的人文情怀简直是升华 Tyson太让人感动了。 早上读到的时候正好在Tree Organics咖啡厅 外面下雨 背景音乐是blow'in in the wind… 人类身体的组成成分和宇宙大部分的东西一样 都是碳氢氧组成 一点不特别 可这不说明我们和其他东西联系紧密吗 我们都来源于大爆炸后的星尘啊;可是即便基因差距甚小 人类却成为地球上最聪明的生物 岂不太奇妙;另外 从宇宙整体来看 人类太渺小太脆弱 可正因为如此 我们才更应该有能促进人类社会发展的宏大的 成熟的宇宙观 珍视人类间的差异 合力向外探索更广阔的世界 而非拘泥于资源的争夺