Private Peaceful - Michael

Private Peaceful - Michael


Private Peaceful - Michael Morpurgo 

Categories: Teens, History & Historical Fiction
Private Peaceful
By: Michael Morpurgo
Narrated by: Jamie Glover
Length: 4 hrs and 21 mins
Release date: 06-10-05
Language: English
Publisher's Summary
Told in the voice of a young soldier, the story follows 24 hours in his life at the front during World War I, and captures his memories as he looks back over his life. Full of stunningly researched detail and engrossing atmosphere, the book leads to a dramatic and moving conclusion.
Both a love story and a deeply moving account of the horrors of the First World War, this audiobook will reach everyone from 9 to 90.

  • 雪兔子Mary

    Peaceful——和平的。然而Peaceful家的两兄弟却被卷入了二战.... 虽然故事由Tommo讲述,但这也是(或者说更是)关于他的哥哥Charlie的故事。 一分一秒流逝的时间把Tommo的回忆串了起来。为什么Tommo如此珍惜这一夜,不愿浪费每一秒,而且要在这时尽可能地回忆往昔的经历..?这些问题贯穿整书,让故事的张力随情节发展越来越大...直到最后的枪响。那排枪本该指向敌人;那些子弹也本该朝对面的战壕飞去的... Charlie Peaceful最终也去了父亲和狗狗去的地方。而Tommo知道,他必须活下来,因为他还有承诺需要履行... 是个让人流泪但心里却感觉很温暖的故事。