Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist


Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
Goodreads : 3.86/5

The story of Oliver Twist - orphaned, and set upon by evil and adversity from his first breath - shocked readers when it was published. After running away from the workhouse and pompous beadle Mr Bumble, Oliver finds himself lured into a den of thieves peopled by vivid and memorable characters - the Artful Dodger, vicious burglar Bill Sikes, his dog Bull's Eye, and prostitute Nancy, all watched over by cunning master-thief Fagin. Combining elements of Gothic Romance, the Newgate Novel and popular melodrama, Dickens created an entirely new kind of fiction, scathing in its indictment of a cruel society, and pervaded by an unforgettable sense of threat and mystery.

  • 争分夺秒听书的Niya逗

    16岁逗评: 无论是小说还是朗读者,都是我喜欢的风格。情节曲折引人入胜,一些心理描写特别让人能产生共鸣、感同身受。里面有大量的细节描写,非常形象新颖。 朗读得清晰有感情,几乎每一个人说话,朗读者都能用不同的声音表现出来,同一个人说话,哪怕相隔了大半个故事呢,他都能控制以同一声音表现。当他给不同角色赋予不同声音的时候,让人感觉语调都特别符合人物的形象,哪怕书里面并没有对这个人物说话特点的描写。