[情人节特别专题]-外国文学史上最美的10个爱情故事 The 10 most beautiful love stories in literature history

[情人节特别专题]-外国文学史上最美的10个爱情故事 The 10 most beautiful love stories in literature history


02/14/15 祝你情人节快乐!维纳斯没有手臂,丘比特没有眼睛,世界上没有完美的爱情。遗憾是每个故事中最美的回味。罗密欧与朱丽叶的凄美爱情悲剧,安娜卡列妮娜的因爱丧生,卡萨布兰卡经典的藕断丝连,世界文学史上多少美丽的爱情故事触动着读者。今年情人节,外语电台Jady在美国 为你带来“外国文学史上最美的10个爱情故事” The 10 Most Beautiful Love Stories in Literature History. 

From tear-jerkers to the warm fuzzies, I share with you the top 10 picks for the greatest love stories of all time. They can melt your heart, make you laugh and leave you longing for napkins. Whether you are looking for that special someone or blissfully in love, these ageless classics know just how to pull on those heartstrings. So, jump under the covers, turn down the lights and tuck into the most sought-after romantic novels of all time.

