The Spark Podcast 火花电台

The Spark Podcast 火花电台


这是一个由两个来自不同文化背景的女生创造的广播平台。Amy Tianyi Zhao (微博:赵枣儿Amy)虽然来自中国,但她的教育背景和生活履历让她与西方文化产生了强烈的共鸣。Megan Dowaliby 虽然来自美国,但来自中国的老公让她对中国产生了浓厚的兴趣。两个完全不同的女生在一张传统中国餐桌上相遇。语言的交流引发了思想的碰撞。在那次晚餐两年后的今天,火花电台诞生。我们相信,一个人的国籍,以及其居住地并不能代表TA的文化身份。在一个全球化的时代,我们在不同文化中看到自己的影子,每个人都可能是很多文化交流和互动的产物。我们希望通过她们的对话和讨论,加深人们对“跨文化”身份的认同,赋予人们了解世界的激情和力量,最终达到促进世界,尤其是中美两国互相理解的进程。

The Spark is a podcast that explores what it means to traverse between cultures and shares stories that intersect Chinese and American culture, to interrupt barriers and create connections. Meg is an American who married into a Chinese Family. Amy is a Chinese living in America. On the Spark, we are dedicated to sharing and celebrating the stories and voices of those continuously caught between cultures, both physically and situationally; by choice and by nature. We share the less-glamorous side of travel, the trials and tribulations that come along with navigating another culture whether you're on the other side of the world, or trying to understand the culture of someone you love, and we explore the trade-offs that come as a result of an expatriate lifestyle. 

