内容简介《“河北四侠”集结号 射击》的这些中短篇小说作品既关注现实,同时有又独特的艺术表现力,篇幅虽短小但精悍,具有较强的市场号召力和较高的文学价值作者:刘建东主播:柱子讲故事购买须知1、本作品为付费有声书,前4集为免费试听,购买成功后,即...
音乐节目 火爆
创世历1978年昆虫大陆拉哈沙漠 拉哈沙漠不只是在昆虫大陆,也是属於全世界最大的沙漠,沙漠西边便是虫族眾多的城市,东边则是将昆虫大陆与九星大陆相隔开来的天然屏障,全世界最长的山脉──卡拉斯山脉。 拉哈沙漠一眼望去只见一片黄沙,偶尔...
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音频来源于链景旅行 地址 北京市昌平区南口镇马坊村1号 票价描述 暂无 开放时间 8:30~16:30 乘车信息 北京市昌平区南口镇马坊村1号,八达岭高速过西关环岛出陈庄出口后左转南口方向,南口镇西约1.5公里。
票价详情 暂无 适宜 全年 电话 暂无 简介 游客朋友,实弹射击是最近流行的一项不受性别和年龄限制的新概念休闲活动。在热闹的明洞,也有可以体验实弹枪击的好地儿! 首尔明洞实弹射击场是拥有安全装备的实弹射击场!场内提供有口径32到45毫米的多种多样的...
英文有声书公.众.号:平安喜乐有声书后台回复'有声书合集',超级大礼包限时免费领:)想听的,想读的都有的,欢迎个人微信 tuibianchengdie2005 咨询备注 喜马拉雅:)Atomic HabitsAn Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad OnesBy: James ClearNarrated by: James ClearLength: 5 hrs and 35 minsRelease d...
好消息:三代战役更新了!我已增设一个三代的专辑!在专辑页面中可以进我的圈子FIGHT FOR THE ORDER EMPIRE !建议1.5倍速观看(因为视频上传到喜马后帧率好像变低了)我这个是自带功能菜单的正版(光环助手上下的),不是盗版!!火柴人战争表情包见我的圈...
【内容简介】专业维修各种破损战甲灵器,回收战甲灵器碎片。数量越多,优惠越多,成为本店会员即可获得大力丸一枚。走过路过,不要错过。【作者/主播】作者:梦容 主播:竹石文化【购买须知】1、本作品为付费有声书,前29集为免费试听,购买成功后,即可...
Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. This 4-color illustrated edition of "The Four Agreements "commemorates its 10-year anniversary. With 7 years on "The New York Times "bestseller list and nearly 4 million copies in print, "The Four Agreements "continues to top numerous bestseller lists.
No.238 有声书&电子书 pdf 电子书 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/11Zfj4Bqu3-pqEHM-IFA8Hg 提取码:cpru公众号平安喜乐有声书后台回复'有声书合集',超级大礼包限时免费领:)想听的,想读的都有的,欢迎个人微信 tuibianchengdie2005 咨询备注 喜马拉雅:)Talking to StrangersWhat We Should Know ut the People We Don't KnowBy: Malcolm adwellNarrated by: Malcolm adwellLength: 8 hrs and 42 minsRelease date: 09-10-194.5 out of 5 stars338 ratings
The Merry Wives of WindsorArkangel ShakespeareBy: William ShakespeareNarrated by: Dinsdale Landen, Sylvestra Le Touzel, Penny Downie, Nicholas Woodeson, Phillip Jackson, Clive SwiftLength: 2 hrs and 14 minsPerformanceRelease date: 05-09-14L...
儿童文学 (literature for children),是专为少年儿童创作的文学作品。儿童文学特别要求通俗易懂,生动活泼。不同年龄阶段的读者对象,儿童文学又分为婴儿文学、幼年文学、童年文学、少年文学,体裁有儿歌、儿童诗、童话、寓言、儿童故事、儿童小说、儿...
11. Maybe You Should Talk to SomeoneA Therapist, HER Therapist, and Our Lives RevealedBy: Lori GottliebNarrated by: Brittany PressleyLength: 14 hrs and 21 minsRelease date: 04-02-19Language: English4.5 out of 5 stars16,840 ratings...
Thinking, Fast and SlowBy: Daniel KahnemanNarrated by: Patrick EganLength: 20 hrs and 2 minsUnabridged AudiobookRelease date: 10-25-11Language: EnglishPublisher: Random House Audio 4.5 out of 5 stars4.4 (13,668 ratings)