





北辰英语磨耳朵-bark george

英国作家安娜休厄Anna Sewell之作,书中描写了十九世纪英格兰地区一名叫“黑骏马”的马及其朋友悲欢离合的故事。“黑骏马”天资聪颖,多次救主人于危难之中,但后来仍然遭受厄运。成年后,几经易主,历经磨难,最终在与死神擦肩而过后重获新生。书中揭示了人性的善恶美丑,表达了希望人们善待动物的美好愿望。...

内容简介 小猫妖此番下山,便决定要当一回当代大学生,反正他这副懒骨头今生今世都修不成仙的。莫如歌:我风流倜傥活泼机灵,正好一手抓美酒,一手抱美人,简直是妖生赢家!(os:去他谢家的儿童保姆,我要闯一闯追妻之路了!)邢北辰:玉树临风是我的,...

如果想领取更多有关英语记忆与提升记忆力的学习资料与课程,请添加卫领取资料:652021681 学习英语最痛苦莫过于背单词,没有捷径,只靠死记硬背,背完就忘,循环往复,最终单词记不住,学习英语的热情也大大降低。 我们解决的就是单词记不住...

如果想领取更多有关英语记忆与提升记忆力的学习资料与课程,请添加卫领取资料:652021681 学习英语最痛苦莫过于背单词,没有捷径,只靠死记硬背,背完就忘,循环往复,最终单词记不住,学习英语的热情也大大降低。 我们解决的就是单词记不住...




As for the story, this review says it best: "This is the kind of picture book that you can return to again and again, for as pretty as it is it's better than pretty; it's true in a way that moves children and grown-ups alike" -New York Time...

如果想领取更多有关英语记忆与提升记忆力的学习资料与课程,请添加卫领取资料:652021681 学习英语最痛苦莫过于背单词,没有捷径,只靠死记硬背,背完就忘,循环往复,最终单词记不住,学习英语的热情也大大降低。 我们解决的就是单词记不住...



I love the idea of this book more than the execution. A little too 'much' content for young kids (3-years), and not really conducive to reading aloud. Maybe will be more interesting when it's a 'read this yourself' type of story. Doesn't me...

Frank wasn't satisfied doing ordinary frog things. He wanted to fly, but he was a frog and frogs can't fly. Follow along as Frank jumps and runs and leaps and dives until he finally finds his place in the pond. The companion book on cd will...

In the seventh book of the A to Z Mysteries—an early chapter book mystery series featuring strong boy and girl characters—Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose go to Florida on vacation. Sun, sand…and sunken treasure?


英语学习必背词汇 短语 句型 作文常用语 习惯用语 谚语等

It was only a few weeks after my surgery, and I went to Dr. Belt's office for a checkup. It was just after my first chemotherapy treatment. My scar was still very tender. My arm was numb underneath. This whole set of unique and weird sen...

I see that same twinkle in her eye that I used to see as Roma says, "Yes, I will marry you," and we embrace, the embrace we longed to share for so many months, but barbed wire came between us. Now, nothing ever will again. Almost forty y...

音频来源于链景旅行 地址 厦门市同安区五显镇北山岩 票价描述 30 开放时间 07:30-18:00 乘车信息 暂无