once a time中考英语
Once upon a time
once upon a time
Once Upon A Time
Once Upon A Time-John Gaunt
本书精选自安德鲁·朗经典童话,选编的童话更全、更具代表性,汇集了世界各国、各民族的传统神话与。本书为全彩色英文绘本,选文包括小红帽、睡美人、白雪公主、三只小猪、丑小鸭、国王的新衣、卖火柴的小女孩等共41篇,同时配以200余幅彩色插图,孩子们在品读精彩故事的同时,还能欣赏到各种精美插图。童话在对孩子进行道德和人生教育的同时,也带来了美好的梦想和无穷的欢乐,因此成为了世界最经久不衰的畅销童话书之一。 购买纸书,请在淘宝上搜索店铺“西学西课”即可找到本书。...
Jackson 读英语!名著童话都能读!如果你想听什么书,请告诉Jackson!Jackson会竭尽全力去找的!喜欢的老爷们提点意见,评个论!或点个关注!也许我就是个小学生,但是我对英语的热爱,永远不会逝去!Thank you!
Yesterday Once More When I was youngI'd listen to the radioWaiting for my favorite songsWhen they played I'd sing alongIt made me smileThose were such happy timesAnd not so long agoHow I wondered where they'd gone
TerryoldField是英国著名的轻音乐家,有心灵音乐大师之称,无论演奏,作曲或者吟唱,都充满了人性的温馨和快乐,缥缈的感觉。在冥想、舒缓音乐大类中,Terry Oldfield 的作品堪称经典收藏品。 TerryoldField擅长运用悠扬飘渺的长笛、钢琴、竖琴、小提...
Father is missing! His top secret job as a physicist for the government has taken him away--but where?--and how? Meg and her younger brother, Charles Wallace, set out with their friend Calvin on an exciting adventure through time and space ...
《时间的皱纹》是美国作家Madelein L' Lenge创作的一本科幻小说。它首次出版于1959,曾先后获得纽伯瑞儿童文学金奖(Newbery Medal),Sequoyah Book Award, Lewis Carroll Shelf Award, 和安徒生奖亚军。该书也是Madelein 的时间四重奏系列的第一本。相比于普通的儿童读物,英格的科幻小说具有一定的颠覆性,它们不仅有趣,而且科学性强,甚至会涉及艰深的学科知识,同时又具有浓厚的哲理性,层层折射出复杂...
The life of a ten-year-old girl is shattered by two drunken and remorseless young men. The mostly white town of Clanton in Ford County, Mississippi, reacts with shock and horror at the inhuman crime. Until her black father acquires an assau...
This is the story of a young boy wizard and a young girl warrior. Brought as enemies.But have they been so busy fightingThat they didn't notice an Ancient evil It has returned,un noticed.
Kids Ages 8-12The Wizards of OnceBy: Cressida CowellNarrated by: David TennantLength: 5 hrs and 56 minsWhat is magic? What is illusion? What is real? Step into the extraordinary world of Sam Khaan, who has just discovered a witch doct...
Children's Audiobooks Literature & FictionReading age : 8 - 12 yearsGrade level : 3 - 7You Only Live Once, David BravoBy: Mark OshiroNarrated by: Avi RoqueLength: 10 hrs and 15 mins
During the months following Britain’s declaration of war on Germany, Maisie Dobbs investigates the disappearance of a young apprentice working on a hush-hush government contract. As news of the plight of thousands of soldiers stranded on th...
每周话题,精彩呈现!深度探讨热门话题,分享多元观点,带你开拓视野,畅聊无限可能! 每期聚焦热点,深度剖析,与您一同开启思想的激荡之旅。
飞机降落 回到熟悉之地手机上出现的陌生号码是来自028神秘的邀请人声与电子旋律的交织...