短语动词是英语的重要组成部分,正是因为它,英语才变得丰富多彩。不要把短语动词和动词短语混淆,动词短语是有动词组成的短语,它的意思和原来的动词差不多,而短语动词是由短语组成的动词,它的意思往往和原来的动词相差甚远。 因此,学好短语动词尤为重要。在这个播客中,我分享短语动词及其用法。 In English, a phrasal verb is a phrase that indicates an action—such as turn down or ran into. The term applies to two or three distinct but related constructions: a verb and a particle and/or a preposition together form a single semantic unit. This semantic unit cannot be understood based upon the meanings of the individual parts, but must be taken as a whole. In other words, the meaning is non-compositional and thus unpredictable.
look out不是看外面的意思,而是表示当心!? put...on有几个意思?2个?3个? No,是6个,除了表示穿衣还可以表示开玩笑! break in / break out / break up / break off / break away ... 有什么区别? 爱上谁是用fall for,还是fall in,还是fall on,或者fall about? 更不用说动词的时态、语态、情态动词用法。。。。。。 本节目帮你搞定以上种种问题,还可以加入我们社区,相互切磋,获得导师神助,一起成为英语动词高手!
Take on a 20-day ESL challenge! Learn about setting realistic language goals.For the next 20 days, learn one new phrasal verb a day. I'll help you. Let's study together 5-10 minutes a day. We'll study what each phrasal verb m...
日语动词大变形的总结~ 微课的文稿在微信公众号:周周老师的日语教室(微信号:zhouy0927)