1000词汇适合小学生自主学习使用,本音频有配套电子版资料,使用方法可添加微信详询。样 张
Vocabulary is commonly defined as "all the words known and used by a particular person".[1] Knowing a word, however, is not as simple as merely being able to recognize or use it. There are several aspects of word knowledge that are used to measure word knowledge. Productive and receptive knowledge The first major distinction that must be made when evaluating word knowledge is whether the knowledge is productive (also called achieve) or receptive (also called receive); even within those opposing categories, there is often no clear distinction. Words that are generally understood when heard or read or seen constitute a person's receptive vocabulary. These words may range from well-known to barely known (see degree of knowledge below). A person's receptive vocabulary is the larger of the two. For example, although a young child may not yet be able to speak, write, or sign, he or she may be able to follow simple commands and appear to understand a good portion of the language to which they are exposed. In this case, the child's receptive vocabulary is likely tens, if not hundreds of words, but his or her active vocabulary is zero. When that child learns to speak or sign, however, the child's active vocabulary begins to increase. It is also possible for the productive vocabulary to be larger than the receptive vocabulary, for example in a second-language learner who has learned words through study rather than exposure, and can produce them, but has difficulty recognizing them in conversation. Productive vocabulary, therefore, generally refers to words that can be produced within an appropriate context and match the intended meaning of the speaker or signer. As with receptive vocabulary, however, there are many degrees at which a particular word may be considered part of an active vocabulary. Knowing how to pronounce, sign, or write a word does not necessarily mean that the word that has been used correctly or accurately reflects the intended message; but it does reflect a minimal amount of productive knowledge. Degree of knowledge Within the receptive–productive distinction lies a range of abilities that are often referred to as degree of knowledge. This simply indicates that a word gradually enters a person's vocabulary over a period of time as more aspects of word knowledge are learnt. Roughly, these stages could be described as: Never encountered the word. Heard the word, but cannot define it. Recognize the word due to context or tone of voice. Able to use the word and understand the general and/or intended meaning, but cannot clearly explain it. Fluent with the word – its use and definition.
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主播简介:美国出生长大 ,加州大学UCLA毕业。曾在三家全球前五技术公司做产品经理。希望能帮学生提高口语水平,更好的和外国人交流。微信公众号搜:W美式英语。...
小学生最爱听的英语故事以纯英文形式呈现。 这些故事首先都非常有趣味性。其次,也有一定的教育意义,真将英语教育与情感教育融会贯通,陪伴大家成长。 每个阶段的孩子,包括成年人,英语水平都各不相同。对于一些具有一定英语水平的人群,不论是孩子还是成人,这些故事可以起到锦上添花的作用,告别传统“哑巴式”英语。 对于一些尚在启蒙期的孩子而言,这是一些潜移默化培养语感的最佳时期。著名教育家维果茨基曾提出了儿童发展“最近发展区”理论。 也就是说,人的发展一般有两种水平:一种是现有的水平,另一种是通过学习可以达到的水平,这两者之间的区域就是最近发展区。 所以,有些孩子听不懂英文故事没有关系,只要家长有意识,给孩子创设良好的英文语言情境。每天睡觉前或者早上起床时坚持几分钟英文故事,久而久之,就会感受这对孩子巨大的帮助。 最好的教育就是坚持!每天十分钟,夯实基础,受益无穷。
作文历来是语文学习的重中之重,一个孩子的作文水平不仅直接影响孩子的升学,还体现了孩子人文素养和综合能力的高低。 一直以来,老师最难教的是作文,孩子最怕学的也是作文。作文,是很多孩子的难题,是他们心头挥之不去的一道阴影。家长为了提高孩子的写...
配套图书 https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=37674006124天猫搜索 洪流图书专营店全书收录700个小学英语必备词汇,并按字母排序。每个词条都配有音标、词性、词义、英文例句,汉语释义,四线书写格。特别设置四线书写格,确保小学生书写规范,并便于...