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原汁原味的英语听力内容。也可以关注公众号“凯程考研”英语六级听力怎么练?——精听材料先说一下,六级精听的材料一定得是真题,只有真题才是最有价值的,练习真题,听出语感,是必须的,尤其是最近几年的真题。一定要反复听,至少3遍以上。还有就是在精听真题听力之前,你的词汇量必须要过关,听清单词真的很有用哦~因为有时候单词明明是背过的,但是却听不懂或者没听出来~真是悲桑的事情~所以,无论是单词,还是真题听力,只要你想过六级,这些都必须掌握,给你们安利一下《六级真题听力全文及答案》 班上...
英语四级听力真题及原文,按照这个每天磨耳朵, 能够听力拿高分。考生要切记,对付一切听力考试都行之有效的做法是快速浏览选择项并提炼信息点,再找出选项间的联系点。当录音人在即将开始读Directions时,这就是你阅读选择项的最佳时机。应充分抓住这段时间,速读选项,预测内容,从而做到心中有数。通过阅读,应明确以下信息:a) 题目所涉及到的主要人物,地点等,如是场景类考题,应迅速联想起与该场景有关的词汇,全神贯注地倾听相关信息。b) 一般六个选择项的设...
英语四级听力真题及原文,按照这个每天磨耳朵, 能够听力拿高分。考生要切记,对付一切听力考试都行之有效的做法是快速浏览选择项并提炼信息点,再找出选项间的联系点。当录音人在即将开始读Directions时,这就是你阅读选择项的最佳时机。应充分抓住这段时...
请联系播主免费获取文本文档,对照联系效果更佳IntroductionThis book will help non-native speakers of English learn to speak with an American accent.Which American Accent Will This Book Teach Me?You will learn to produce the standard American accent. Some people also call it “broadcasterEnglish.” It’s the kind of standard, neutral speech that you hear on CNN and in educatedcircles. It’s a non-regional American accent, meaning that people do not associate thedialect with any particular part of the United States. It is the accent most commonly associatedwith educated people in the American East, Midwest, and West.How Should I Practice?Listen to the recorded material over and over. You will hear words and sentences pronouncedfollowed by a pause for you to repeat after the speaker. You may want to record yourselfrepeating so that you can compare your accent to the accents of the speakers on this audio.Then practice the new sounds in real-life situations.There are numerous study tips throughout the book, both from the writer and from hermany successful students who have greatly improved their American accent. For an individualprofessional analysis of your accent which will help you to study accent reductionmore efficiently and tell you which sections of this book you should focus on most,
【纯正美式发音】美国原汁原味 发音口型示范 口把口跟读训练(181集完整版)
请私信小编寻要课件地址,谢谢~(加QQ 2086263203也可以哦) 欧那德语免费试听课网址:http://m.de.olacio.com/de/zl/index.html?utm_source=xmly&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=free。 欧那德语是国内首个以自主教研为核心、全在线模式的小语种教育机构,...