


剑桥英语Think Starter学生用书





《剑桥国际英语教程1学生用书》 UNIT 1 Please cal me Beth. UNIT 2 How do you spend your day? UNIT 3 How much is it? UNIT 4 Do you like rap? UNIT 5 Tell me about your family. UNIT 6 How often do you exercise? UNIT 7 We had a great time! UNIT 8 Whats your neighborhood like? PROGRESS CHECK UNIT 9 What does she look like? UNIT 10 Have you ever ridden a camel? UNIT 11 Its a very exciting place! UNIT 12 It really works! PROGRESS CHECK UNIT 13 May I take your order? UNIT 14 The biggest and the Best! PROGRESS CHECK UNIT 15 Im going to a soccer match. UNIT 16 A change for the better! PROGRESS CHECK SELF-STUOY

目录 Titles/Topics UNIT1 That's what friends are for! UNIT2 Career moves UNIT3 Could you do me a favor? UNIT4 What a story! UNIT5 Crossing cultures UNIT6 What's wrong with it? UNIT7 The world we live in UNIT8 Lifelong learning 内容介绍 内容介绍 新版《剑桥国际英语教程》(第3版)(Interchange Third Edition)是《剑桥国际英语教程》的全面修订版。作为世界上zui受欢迎、zui有影响的英语教程之一,《剑桥国际英语教程》推动了中国传统语言学习模式的革新,加快了我国英语教学的国际化进程。新版总结了上一版在全球的课堂实践经验,为读者奉献了更时尚的内容、更丰富的语法训练和更多的听说实践机会。 本套教材的主要产品包括学生用书(附赠词汇手册)、教师用书。练习册、录音带或CD、录像教材、DVD和CD-ROM等。另外,学生用书和练习册分两个版本——全一册和A、B分册,便于广大师生根据需要选择。录像教材可以作为视听说培训教材单独使用。

剑桥国际英语教程2(学生用书)(第3版)目录 1 A time to remember People childhood memories 2 Caught in the rush Transportation transportation problems city services PROGRESS CHECK 3 Time for a change! Houses and apartments lifestyle changes wishes 4 I've never heard of that! Food Recipes Instructions Cooking methods PROGRESS CHECK 5 Going places Travel vacations plans 6 OK. No problem! Cinokaunts household chores requests excuses apologies PROGRESS CHECK 7 What's this for? Technology instructions 8 Let's celebrate! Holidays festivals customs celebrations PROGRESS CHECK 9 Back to the future 10 I don't like working on weekends! 11 It's really worth seeing! 12 It could happen to you! 13 Good book, terrible movie! 14 So that's what it means! 15 What would you do? 16 What's your excuse?

剑桥中学一级 听力

剑桥国际儿童英语 1 PLAYWAY TO ENGLISH学生用盘CD1-55
