三年级英语go to bed

Make Your Bed

Time for bed

From The Bed To The Floor-112

Ten in the Bed

Emily bed time story

The Bed of Procrustes




申申 英语学习规划师小种子英语创始人积极家庭教育讲师青少年心理团辅教练


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英文名:The Wonderful Bed中文名:《神奇的床》作者: Gertrude Knevels 内容介绍:三个孩子被派去和他们的简阿姨一起过夜,发现他们共用一张巨大的床。如此巨大的床,以至于当他们用床单搭成帐篷爬进去的时候,他们永远也到不了床脚,而是爬进了一个充满洞穴、海盗和冒险的梦境。Three children sent to stay the night with their Aunt Jane find themselves sharing an enormous bed. So enormous is it, that when they make a tent of the bedsheets and crawl in, they never make it to the foot of the bed, crawling instead into a dreamworld of caves and pirates and adventures.

三年级下册单词提前预习哦No pains ,no gains.