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本专辑提供2022届高三英语二模听力音频。也欢迎关注我的微信公众号 “Anita每日英语”,获得更多资源。








Section 1 Making Friends 1 Hi, my name is Bill. 2 Hi, I’m Mary. 3 Nice to meet you, Mary. 4 Likewise. 5 Where are you from? 6 I’m from the USA, and you? 7 Oh, I’m from Finland. 8 Finland? Where is that? 9 It’s in northern Europe. 10 Oh, I didn’t know. 11 And where in the America are you from? 12 I’m from Texas. That’s in the south. 13 Yes, I’ve heard of it. 14 Have you really? 15 Sure, it’s quite famous. Section 2 Around Town 1 Do you know this town well? 2 Sure, I have been here many times. 3 How many libraries are there here? 4 There are three. 5 Three, that’s a lot for a small town. 6 Well, one belongs to the town. 7 And the other two? 8 They belong to the university. 9 Can anyone use them? 10 No. Only students can use the university libraries. 11 But can anyone use the town library? 12 Of course. I have been going there for years. 13 But really you should join the library. 14 How do I do that? 15 You gave them your name and address, and they gave you a ticket. 16 Good. That sounds easy. Section 3 sir, Madam, Mr., Mrs., Miss and Ms. 1 In western countries, many titles are used. 2 Men are usually called Mister. 3 Women can have different titles. 4 A woman can choose her title. 5 If she is married, she can call herself Mrs. or Ms. 6 If a woman is unmarried, she can call herself Miss or Ms. 7 So when do we use Sir or Madam? 8 They are often used in formal letters. 9 Sometimes we hear people call others Sir or Madam. 10 Yes. They are formal terms and very polite. 11 So how do we know when to use them? 12 Well, if you don’t know people, you can use those terms. 13 It is considered too polite. 14 Some people would think so, but don’t worry about it. 15 Most people don’t mind if you guess.




