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由于喜马拉雅的限制,有些资源没法分享,所以自己建了个微信公众号:喃喃英语学习分享 所分享的音频,绝大部分都有文本,关注公众号,或者 加入喃喃英语学习分享,群号码:600750829 索取
这是一个全面系统学习美式发音的课程,从入门到精通。旨在专注于美式英语的音标和语调,帮助您提升发音,改善口音,增强口语表达的自信。课程概览:1. **基础:字母发音**2. **音标:元音和辅音**3. **重音和语调:语言的节奏**4. **连读和音的融合**5. **...
简单易学 的英语发音技巧
Economist,英音,原声剪辑制作。Practice makes perfect !
喜马拉雅FM英语明星主播斯密专著本书为斯密老师火爆网课落地图书,干货满满:1.配套246分钟MP3示范发音。2.关注作者公众号,可进入专属读者社群深入学习和交流。3.斯密老师三色书网课入驻公众号,读者可以在绿皮书、黄皮书和白皮书中选择适合自己的网课。详情见作者公众号。读者对象零基础 在校学生 职场人士 均适用内容简介本书共分为两篇:基础篇和纠音篇。基础篇是国际音标的基础学习,包括元音和辅音。纠音篇一共30节,前20节是发音基础训练。发音基础是纠音篇的重中之重,主要学习两个主要内容,一是是组成英语语流的*小片段——音素,二是能把音素组合成单词的自然拼读知识。后10节是语音语调方面的训练,有斯密老师大量的示范发音和朗读,干货满满。
The videos in the Pronunciation Tips section of this site are presented by Alex Bellem. Alex has an undergraduate degree in Arabic and Turkish. She followed this with an MA in (Theoretical) Linguistics at University College London (UCL) and a PhD in Linguistics at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) where she focused on Arabic phonology and phonetics. She's also a CELTA-qualified English language teacher and spent a few years teaching English as a Foreign Language. At the time these videos were made in early 2008 Alex was lecturing part-time in the Linguistics Department at SOAS and was working as a Pronunciation Linguist in the BBC's Pronunciation Unit. The videos were shot by J-P Newman and many thanks to Matt Cleghorn for his enormous contribution to their editing. Thanks also to Professor J C Wells for his insights.