WX关注“一点英文馆”,后台回复“亲子英文启蒙儿歌”,即可观看高清动画视频! 本专辑儿歌来自国外知名教育频道"Little Baby Bum",结合经典儿童歌谣,用可爱的现代3D动画技术去制作精美的视频,帮助孩子们学习那些他们的父母从小就听的传统的...
听歌学会26个字母专辑介绍本专辑由34首儿歌组成,从A-Z每一个字母都有一首儿歌。期间穿插Review Song 复习歌,让小朋友们加深记忆,是英语启蒙磨耳朵的绝佳起点。适合谁听:- 0-9 岁...
听儿歌,学英语。经典英文歌,磨出好耳朵!原汁原味呈现最地道的英文表达,非常适合英语零基础的小朋友们!用中国宝宝容易理解的方式进行演绎;也同步根据2-6岁宝宝认知启蒙的需要去原创开发适合不同月龄及年龄发展的知识转化为儿歌的方式进行演绎。儿歌 (...
将语言融入情景与动作, 超萌画面、地道发音、边唱边跳!进入语言启蒙的快车道!持续更新!主页更多故事~订阅不迷路#不花钱早教##辣妈育儿经##好听的儿歌分享##启蒙儿歌##童谣##启蒙这样做##睡前神器##亲子儿歌##磨耳朵儿歌#
《磨出我的英文耳朵1》是从美国Twin Sisters公司原版引进的,第一级包含30首动听的英文儿歌。特色:美国Twin Sisters公司畅销产品;多次获得美国白金唱片奖。功能:韵律节奏训练磨语感,打造宝宝的英文耳朵。
Salted Wisdom 盐一样的智慧A story tells about a senior villager who led other villagers carrying salt day and night to a town in order to trade barley as food for the winter. One night they camped in a wilderness with a starry sky above. The senior villager, obeying the tradition passed down from ancestry, took out three blocks of salt and threw them into the campfire, presumably to foretell the changes of weather in the mountains.All eagerly awaited the old man’s “weather report”: if the salt in the fire produced crackling sound, they would have good weather in store; if no sound was produced, it then meant the good weather would soon end and a storm would come at any moment.The senior villager looked serious. The salt in the campfire made no sound at all. Convinced by this bad omen, he urged the whole team to set out immediately after daybreak. A young man in the group, however, insisted that they should not depart in such a hurry, deeming it absurdly superstitious to “forecast the weather by using salt”.It was not until the next afternoon that the young man caught up on the wisdom of the old man when the weather suddenly changed, with cold winds blowing and a snowstorm raging. In fact, the method employed by the clan head could be well explained by modern science: whether or not salt produces sound in campfire depends on air humidity. That is to say, when a storm approaches, due to high humidity, the dampened salt blocks will not produce any sound in fire.Young people often look down upon the philosophy of the old, regarding their ideas as obsolete and useless. In reality, however, some beliefs in life are just like salt blocks that are distilled from the sea; old as they are, they remain crystals, and carry with them profound memories of the sea.