Then it suddenly dawned on me. God was speaking to me the entire time I was attempting to be still. I remembered the music playing as I'd begun my quiet time. He sent a sparrow to lighten my life with song. He sent a gentle breeze. He se...
Life is life. Life isan interesting journey of ups and downs. But how the journey ends,is up to youtoday. You see, when you fall down, you feel like giving up. When times gettough, it is not the end.
I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history asthe greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow westand today, signed the Emancipati...
目录 · · · · · ·目 录 总序 稻盛和夫 正确思考的力量(代译序) 曹岫云 第一章 六项精进 稻盛和夫 (第十六届盛和塾日本全国大会演讲) 前 言 一、付出不亚于任何人的努力 认真地、拼命地工作 除了拼命工作之外,世界上不存在更高明的经营诀窍。 拼命工作是一切生命都在承担的义务 每天每日认真地、极其认真地、努力地工作,应该是我们做人...
毕业典礼向来承载了太多情感。师长的致辞,是情理相融的教诲,更是目光灼灼的嘱托。听君一席话,便是将更深妙的人生智慧装进了行囊。 在这个毕业季的尾声,光明网与文摘报携手开设“毕业观”栏目,每期选取一篇有情怀、有内容的高校毕业演讲,为我们的听众提供记录时代思想、把握人生航向的可能。
In the process of preparing for the competition, many people told me that you have many advantages, such as you are in the prime of life, and you also have a bachelor's degree, which is just in line with the "hardware" of cadre selection...