Salted Wisdom 盐一样的智慧A story tells about a senior villager who led other villagers carrying salt day and night to a town in order to trade barley as food for the winter. One night they camped in a wilderness with a starry sky above. The senior villager, obeying the tradition passed down from ancestry, took out three blocks of salt and threw them into the campfire, presumably to foretell the changes of weather in the mountains.All eagerly awaited the old man’s “weather report”: if the salt in the fire produced crackling sound, they would have good weather in store; if no sound was produced, it then meant the good weather would soon end and a storm would come at any moment.The senior villager looked serious. The salt in the campfire made no sound at all. Convinced by this bad omen, he urged the whole team to set out immediately after daybreak. A young man in the group, however, insisted that they should not depart in such a hurry, deeming it absurdly superstitious to “forecast the weather by using salt”.It was not until the next afternoon that the young man caught up on the wisdom of the old man when the weather suddenly changed, with cold winds blowing and a snowstorm raging. In fact, the method employed by the clan head could be well explained by modern science: whether or not salt produces sound in campfire depends on air humidity. That is to say, when a storm approaches, due to high humidity, the dampened salt blocks will not produce any sound in fire.Young people often look down upon the philosophy of the old, regarding their ideas as obsolete and useless. In reality, however, some beliefs in life are just like salt blocks that are distilled from the sea; old as they are, they remain crystals, and carry with them profound memories of the sea.
前言 爱玩、好奇心强是孩子的天性,他们思维方式的独特和想象力的丰富超出了成人的理解。不循常规地拓宽孩子的思维,延展他们的想象,也许你的孩子就是下一个爱迪生或牛。 思维是玩出来的,逻辑是练出来。本套书专为顽皮可爱、聪明活泼的孩子量身定做,在...
8岁以前是学习任何一门语言的最佳时期。而任何一门语言,无外乎输入与输出两个过程。 就如同我们在中国的每个小baby,每个小孩,不用特别去教,他/她每天身处大量的浸泡式汉语输入语言环境,3岁时每个小孩都能基本用汉语来表达自己的一些想法了。“露西英...
HelloJack教你最牛逼,最地道的英文表达。Less is more. 少就是多,慢就是快。You know, the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.
相信每个宝宝都会经历唱儿歌的阶段:《听妈妈讲过去的故事》、《鲁冰花》、《小板凳》…… 儿歌虽短短几行字,浅浅白白,却浓缩了儿童化语言的精华,蕴涵着语言之初的无穷魅力,可以作为宝宝说话的模本,为宝宝下一步的发展奠定基础。 儿歌的内容十分贴近宝宝的生活,宝宝易于理解,便于接受、记忆,是宝宝用语言认识世界的绿色通道。 儿歌不但短小精悍、节奏明快,音乐性强,便于唱诵不需要考验宝宝的耐心,也不需要考验妈妈的毅力,哪个宝宝都好学,哪个妈妈都好教,不耗时不耗力,随时随地。 儿歌有哪些好处呢? 1.培养孩子的情感,而且从学唱儿歌中懂得如何去表达自己的情感。 2.提高孩子的认知能力,不仅仅可以使孩子在儿歌中学习到一些常识,还可以让孩子的想象力得到发展。 3.使孩子的语言表达能力变强。孩子正处于学习阶段,模仿能力很强,通过对儿歌的学习,就可以更多地认识到词汇和语句。 4.培养孩子的音乐细胞,让孩子对于音乐律动有一定的认识和感受。 5.让孩子的性格变得更加开朗,音乐也是一种很好的熏陶方式。 6.家长陪伴着孩子,可以增进亲子间的感情。 赶快打开“林子姐姐的儿歌盒子”一起听歌吧!
儿歌 (nursery rhyme),是以低幼儿童为主要接受对象的具有民歌风味的简短诗歌。它是儿童文学最古老也是最基本的体裁形式之一。儿歌是民歌的一种,世界各地都有。