Well Done
Well Done-Tyga
Getting Things Done
Who Done It
Over Done-Mev_n
Well Done 2-Tyga
Get things done看似简单易行,其背后却有深刻的洞见: 原则:有效地处理内心的承诺。原则一:养成收集待办事项的习惯。原则二:确定下一步行动。原则三:学会关注结果。 目标:解除你精神上的负担,并把事情做好。只有轻松,才能高效。 重要的技巧:把一切事务赶出大脑。如果一件事情总占据着你的头脑,你的思维就会受阻。 自下而上的方法:先琐事,再理想。当底层的具体事务得到及时处理后,你也就为 高一级的思维活动做好了准备。 时间管理的本质,是管理我们的心智和行动!
(请注意不是 David Allen 的GTD)Cowritten by Roger Fisher, an acknowledged authority on negotiation, Getting It DONE is the book to help you make things happen when you're not the boss. Fisher is the man who redefined the way the wor...
(请注意不是 David Allen 的GTD) Cowritten by Roger Fisher, an acknowledged authority on negotiation, Getting It DONE is the book to help you make things happen when you're not the boss. Fisher is the man who redefined the way the world ...
Timmy Failure 02 - Now Look What You've Done - Stephan PastisAge Range: 8 - 12 yearsGrade Level: 3 - 7Lexile Measure: 0470 Series: Timmy Failure (Book 2)Timmy Failure: Now Look What You've Done!Written by: Stephan PastisNarrated by: Jar...
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