

传播民族艺术 弘扬中华文化

录一些快板小段 可以给播音生或者其他口才相关专业 做一个参考 单段分开录的 特别适合想一点一点练习 每天一分钟

高峰美娜逊老先生向您鞠躬ദ്ദ(• ˕ •マ.ᐟ板儿、贯口、单口、最拿手的柳活儿(夺孙子)致力于在高老板退休前整理完怹的作品毕竟他才22《五鼠闹东京》全四十二回 | 《官场斗》全八回 更新完结

以《美国学生艺术史》为蓝本,收集美图和你一起穿越几千年人类艺术走廊。 《美国学生艺术史》是专为美国学校4-8年级孩子们而编写,出版后也深受成人读者的喜爱, 是一本了解和欣赏世界艺术的经典读本。《美国学生艺术史》是一本最生动而吸引孩子们学习艺术史的读本,完全脱离了那种传统教材的编写模式,让孩子们一点也不觉得陈旧乏味……——书评 《美国学生艺术史》是极其少见的优秀课本,清晰而引人入胜的内容、精致的艺术图片,使其不同于其他关于艺术史的教材。 ...


不愿身为万户侯 只求笑声满人间


《美国学生艺术史》专为美国学校4-8年级孩子们而编写,出版后也深受成人读者的喜爱,是一本了解和欣赏世界艺术的经典读本。《美国学生艺术史》是一本最生动而吸引孩子们学习艺术史的读本,完全脱离了那种传统教材的编写模式,让孩子们一点也不觉得陈旧乏味…… ——《纽约时报》书评 《美国学生艺术史》是极其少见的优秀课本,清晰而引人入胜的内容、精致的艺术图片,使其不同于其他关于艺术史的教材。 ——《哈珀》杂志内容推荐 《美国学生艺术史》由卡尔佛特学校前校长希利尔构思、设计并编写,也是他生前为孩子们写作的最后一本教材。《美国学生艺术史》共分三个部分:绘画、雕刻和建筑,共91章,收录了200多幅人类文明史上最有代表性的艺术之作,包括古埃及、古希腊、意大利、德国、荷兰、西班牙、法国、英国、美国等名家作品。希利尔先生亲自编写,并在课堂上进行试讲,不断修订。THE OLDEST PICTURES IN THE WORLD 古老的画 I WAS listening to the teacher, but I had my pencil in my hand. There were two little dots about an inch apart on my desk lid. Absent-mindedly I twisted my pencil point into one dot and then into the other. The two dots became two little eyes. I drew a circle around each eye, then I joined the two circles with a half-circle that made a pair of spectacles. The next day I made a nose and a mouth to go with the eye and spectacles. The next day I finished the face and added ears and some hair. The next day I added a hat. The next day I added a body, with arms, legs, and feet. The next day I went over the drawing again, bearing heavily on my pencil. Over and over again I followed the lines till they became deep grooves in my desk lid. The next day my teacher caught me and I caught it! The next day my father got a bill for a new desk and I got- Well, never mind what I got. “Perhaps he's going to be an artist,” said my mother. “Heaven forbid!” said my father. “That would cost me much more than a new desk.” And heaven did forbid. I know of a school that has a large wooden tablet in the hall for its pupils to draw upon. At the top of the tablet is printed: IF YOU JUST MUST DRAW, DON'T DRAW ON YOUR DESK, DRAW ON THIS TABLET. If you put a pencil in any one's hand, he just must draw something. Whether he is listening to a lesson or telephoning, he draws circles and faces or triangles and squares over the pad-if there is a pad. Otherwise he draws on the desk top or the wall, for he just must draw something. Have you ever seen any telephone pad that was not scribbled upon? We say that's human nature. It shows you are a human being. Now, animals can learn to do a good many things that human beings can do, but one thing an animal can't learn is to draw. Dogs can learn to walk on two legs and fetch the newspaper. Bears can learn to dance. Horses can learn to count. Monkeys can learn to drink out of a cup. Parrots can learn to speak. But human beings are the only animals that can learn to draw. 如需文本,欢迎微:feng13923227867






“竹板这么一打呀,哎别的咱不夸,夸一夸。 ”,上下翻飞的七块竹板,叮叮当当清亮的声音,再加上那浓重的天津乡音,滋润出土生土长的“天津快板”就这么呈现给所有的观众朋友,天津是北方的曲艺之乡,而天津快板,乃天津文化之瑰宝,极品之精华。天津快板...