If you’re going through hell…keep going. Seventeen-year-old coder Jinx Marshall grew up spending weekends drilling with her paranoid dad for a doomsday she’s sure will never come. She’s an expert on self-heating meal rations, Kra...
WHAT VALUABLE COMPANY IS NOBODY BUILDING?The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin won’t make a search engine. If you are copying these guys, you aren’t learning from them. It’...
《从无到有》(即《Zero to One》)是彼得·泰尔在斯坦福讲授“初创企业”这门课的视频和讲义的课程笔记的摘编,不过删减了不少过于琐屑的细节,因此浅显但系统得多。[1] 在这本书里,彼得·泰尔提出了“资本主义与竞争相互对立”、“竞争成了一种意识形...
老高与小茉是一对真正的神仙眷侣,现居日本,老高是辽宁大连人,大连理工大学毕业,学机械的。小茉不是辽宁人,但应该是北方人,和老高是朋友介绍认识的,认识的时候在读研,老高已经工作了,当时都在日本。 老高大概40岁,小茉也就35左右。转载you To BE...