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The itsy bitsy spider
The itsy bitsy spider
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Miles Morales: Spider-Man - Jason ReynoldsTeens Ages 11-13Miles Morales: Spider-ManBy: Jason ReynoldsNarrated by: Guy Lockard...
Early onemorning the wind blew a spider across the field.A thin, silky thread trailed from her body.The spider landed on a fence post near a farm yard...and began to spin a web with her silky thread."Neigh! Neigh!" said thehorse."Want to...
The itsy bitsy spiderClimbed up the waterspout.Down came the rainAnd washed the spider out.Out came the sunAnd dried up all the rain,And the itsy bitsy spiderClimbed up the spout again.The itsy bitsy spiderClimbed up the kitchen wall.Swo...
艾瑞•卡尔(Eric Carle)国际儿童文学大师,绘本专家。80多岁的卡爷爷最让人难忘的就是他那大胡子和和蔼可亲的笑容。 他用他的画笔和充满魔力的拼贴技巧,创造出世界上独一无二的色彩。他亲自制作的色纸材料更是独具匠心,是别人无法模仿的。大笔自由挥洒...
Spider-Man Storybook Collection - Marvel Press Two collections in a single volume featuring New York’s favorite spider Super Hero! Spider-Man Storybook Collection Join forces with Spider-Man as he swings through a world of adventure with his Super Hero friends! Defeat the shape-shifting Lizard before he destroys Peter’s school, help the incredible Hulk take out the trash (as in bad guys!), battle the Sinister Six, get zapped by Electro, join in a Wild West Spidey rodeo, get starstruck with Rocket and Groot on Broadway, and much more! 5-Minute Spider-Man Stories Join the Amazing Spider-Man as he protects the streets of New York City from mischievous villains. With special appearances from some of your favorite Marvel characters, like Iron Man, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, and Black Widow, these action-packed stories are perfect before bedtime, on the go, or any time of day!
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