稳定日更5集,不定期爆更,AI主播良心又迷人,订阅追更不迷路! 【内容简介】 奸佞丞相觉得最近他的死对头有点奇怪!先是要和他和解,后是整天粘着他,最后竟然将整个家底都搬到他家去了。从此丞相府变得鸡飞狗跳。 【作者介绍】 作者:原不屈
每天中午11点更新4集,不定时爆更!欢迎订阅! 听书有福利:VIP月卡、现金红包、精美礼品等你来! 记得关注主播,每月底,月收听榜前十位粉丝有抽奖福利! 限免结束后,VIP会员可放心继续免费收听全书! 震耳欲聋的马蹄铮铮声将戚然惊醒,意识清醒之际,...
日更5集,不定期爆更!订阅可以收到更新提醒哦~ 【内容简介】 世家千金顾倾之,任性娇纵,新婚之夜的新郎却玩失踪,令她颜面扫地。复仇心起,她以富家小姐的手段,对白修然展开连环计,意图羞辱。然而,白家的质疑与冷嘲,使两人关系如冰封。在误会与冲突...
穿越成为造反大军女扮男装的少主,为了隐瞒自己的身份,整天板着脸沉默寡言。偏偏有个小竹马,身娇体弱,还是个毒舌,每天吐槽自己!要不是看在小竹马好看的份上,真的想掐死他。哼, 既然小竹马老在口头上占自己便宜,那就让他在以为自己喜欢上男子之后再...
主播是个可爱又撒欢的妹子,新专辑求订阅,求月票 求点评 求吐槽 吐槽满一百 让男主爆更+发红包。如若君临天下,你可愿陪我昂首俯看?他是贵人,一人之下万人之的丞相大人,多少少女的梦中情郎,却是只想走到权力的最高峰,她是穿越后的王府嫡女,...
诙谐搞笑文,穿越成为造反大军女扮男装的少主,为了隐瞒自己的身份,整天板着脸沉默寡言。偏偏有个小竹马,身娇体弱,还是个毒舌,每天吐槽自己!要不是看在小竹马好看的份上,真的想掐死他。哼, 既然小竹马老在口头上占自己便宜,那就让他在以为自己喜欢...
日更5集,不定期爆更!订阅可以收到更新提醒哦~ 【内容简介】 在一个权力与欲望交织的世界里,白富然、顾轩文、王仁义等各怀鬼胎的角色轮番登场。白富然,出身豪门却心怀叛逆,面对家族的重重压力,他选择了一条与众不同的道路。一次意外的邂逅,让他卷入...
内容简介 什么?你说那个俊美无俦、风流成性、花名在外的丞相是女儿身? 不可能!绝对不可能!这话要是说出去,风流巷里的姑娘们不得撞死啊? 苏不言暗暗一笑,好吧!那就让这个身体,这个身份替她做想做的事吧! 丞相大人,接招吧!
Zorro 蒙面侠佐罗
New Moon Edward and his family leave Forks because of his belief that he is constantly endangering Bella's life. Bella falls into a deep depression, until she develops a strong friendship with werewolf Jacob Black. Jacob and the other wolves in his tribe must protect her from Victoria, an evil vampire who intends to avenge the death of James, her mate, by killing Bella. A misunderstanding occurs, and Edward is led to believe that Bella is dead. Edward decides to commit suicide in Volterra, Italy, but he is stopped by Bella and Alice. They meet with the Volturi and are released on the condition that Bella be turned into a vampire in the near future. Bella and Edward are reunited, and the Cullens return to Forks. Eclipse The vampire Victoria, James's mate from Twilight with fiery red hair, has created an army of "newborn" vampires to battle the Cullen family and kill Bella. Meanwhile, Bella is forced to choose between her relationship with Edward and her friendship with Jacob. Edward's family of vampires and Jacob's pack of werewolves join forces to successfully destroy Victoria and her army of vampires. In the end, Bella chooses Edward's love over Jacob's. Jacob is devastated to hear of Bella's choice and of her decision to become a vampire, and runs away in his wolf form. Breaking Dawn Bella and Edward get married, but their honeymoon is cut short by Bella's realization that she has become pregnant. Bella's pregnancy progresses extremely quickly and makes her very weak. She nearly dies while giving birth to her and Edward's half-vampire-half-human daughter, Renesmee, but Edward injects Bella with his venom to save her life by turning her into a vampire. A vampire from another coven sees Renesmee and mistakes her for an "immortal child", the existence of which violates vampire rules, and informs the Volturi. The Cullens gather vampire witnesses who can verify that the child is not one of the immortal children. The Cullens and their witnesses convince the Volturi that Renesmee is not a danger to vampires or their secret, and they are left in peace.
你是奇葩,我是怪咖,WHAT'S UP ——“雅痞唱将”袁野最新烧脑单曲《大侠命》于2016年10月17日正式全线发布。同时,这首融合了电子、说唱、复古、二次元的《大侠命》MV由袁野与一众大侠本真出演,全网同步呈献。 每一个人心中都有一个大侠梦。袁野自参加浙...